Monday, February 17, 2025


 The chickens have come home to roost , karma works every time, for you, for me, inescapable in this realm. even if I burn down with this whole putrid puddle of lies, I know that I didn't go along. The regret I have is that it didn't need to happen, we could, and still can pull off being the people our creator made us to be. It is so easy. Unless you are conflicted by your desire for more, at the expense of your brothers and sisters who surround you. what goes around comes around, may we all reap what we have sown.

It has always been every man for himself, a zero sum game of self preservation. we need to meet our individual needs no doubt, but I wonder sometimes why the Creator of all would place a need for connection with others within our heart. Relationships, families, neighborhoods, communities all play a dominate part of our individual sense of well being, connection to others is a primary need. But dang... it comes with complications, lmao. especially in these days of summation.

If you can't see that the piper is here, come for payment after all this fun we've had by now, I guess I really can't help you. The controllers would have you believe that time is a flat circle, round and round and that you need to buy your way out with the blood of innocents, or one time and done, if you pay your way now in advance to a belief for reward in the hereafter to be paid by God Almighty, so really that we had little choice in the matter, shit happens right? But hear me out, maybe time is a spiral? and that it matters how we react in any given situation in an incremental way, over time, wink. easy right?

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, we got time to think about what we do, contrary to the controller mindset of impulse buy orgy of consumption, need it right now bullshit! Plastic people and plastic crap surround us, but the majesty of sunrise and sunset escape us. Hug a tree, no lie. Tell those super important people around you how much you love them, show them, its easy once you try. Remember love conquers all.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The days are growing shorter

 Merry Christmas my friends, the gratitude for my blessings spills over onto the page, so to speak.  I was blessed to find my true love early on, that changed everything. Our companionship, and the three spirits our love have brought into this material realm , our lovely children, have made my time here worth it. I wouldn't change a thing.

My search for meaning is bound in these family ties, committed to my mate, we walk into the future, hand in hand, counting on lord God Almighty to meet our needs according to his plan. It seems to work out better when I can hear it through the din of the dying screams of our material world. 

Folks, my dear friends, I am convinced that this current school, training ,and trial boils down to love. How much can we love? Can you love yourself? You know that piece of heaven that tries so hard to be good and needs to be loved and protected above any other consideration. I believe in love, I hope it will spackle the dings of life that I seem to accumulate as the grey hairs flourish, lmao.  

I feel the weight from the hands on my shoulder of generations past, family runs deep for me. Can I be a good man? Can I make a better world for my children to live in, gotta say I failed on that one big time, smh. But they are tough little shits, easy to give them that, my family is defiantly packed up despite the distance that separates us, and so my gratitude for them, and the many ships and friends who drift through the tides of life, who bring us the things we need at the times God Almighty's plan touches us,

I love the smells and the lights and the family of this season, we got this folks! 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

stiff upper lip

 I am not a patient man, I have been waiting for the world to come to its senses like my dog waiting for his treat, whole body vibrating, spinning in circles with anticipation, barking with increased excitement. I believe that most of us humans are good people, and that when enough of us went through the awakening process that we would band together and set things right. My own red pill was delivered on the morning of September 11th, 2001. The foul smell of treachery slapped me out of my pleasant slumber of my pursuit of material gain and social standing. I was raising my family with the women I love, serving my country with pride and determination in the national guard. I remember being very happy at the time complacent in my belief that I lived in the greatest country the world had ever seen. The USA was the worlds breadbasket, we spent substantial time and treasure to raise other countries that are not as fortunate to have the freedoms we enjoy. My chosen religious fellowship stood for what is right and true, arm in arm across this beautiful blue marble, learning day by day to be better people, to serve one another waiting for the glorious day of our lords return.

When the twin towers fell at freefall speed into their own respective footprint, when I saw the pictures of the damage to the pentagon and realized that there was no way for a jumbo jet to have caused that damage my belief system began its slow spiral down the toilet bowl. I had just entered into the internet when this attack on humanity blasted my peaceful slumber to oblivion. My search began to find out the truth. The rabbit hole was far deeper than I realized at the time. Years I spent, hundreds of books, thousands of web pages, and countless hours thinking and connecting dots. All my sacred cows were sacrificed when I discovered the lies on top of lies that are the truth about the reality we inhabit. This work continues to this day as I compose this post, even after all I have learned I know that I still know nothing.

This belief has helped my mental state as the world around us stands on the cusp of vast change. War, biological war has been imposed on us with a helping of coming nuclear war to wash the bitter pill of tyranny to go down. The world economic chickens have come home to roost after the unbridled greed of the supposed overlords have robbed my great grandchildren's coffers of any substance, global supply chain problems they caused could quite possibly starve the world this year!  We will have ringside seats to the die off of the Stockholm syndrome mind controlled people who reside next door, their ignorance of our totally evil rulers will be their death. The crazy we have witnessed in the last five years by a segment of world pop is unparalleled in the history we have been allowed to see, but I bet if we knew what went on in Sodom and Gomorrah right before their destruction we would find a similar mindset. Maybe we have it coming.

The division that tptb caused prevented us from acting in time, we have been at each others throat with a violence and hatred that is only increasing as each day goes by, I feel it too fam. Maybe it is time that each of us get right with God, heal those wounds that we have caused to those we love, to prepare for the world wide change that is knocking on our door. I mean who really knows how all things play out besides the eternal creator. I personally hope that these are but the birthing pains of a better world for those that survive, and a new day of eternal progression for the rest. I trust his plan, seems much better than the ones I attempt to make. So "fear not" as the lord and master kept trying to tell us, stand your ground for what is right even when your knees shake.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Are we there yet?

 I can't believe that we are are still here and kicking in this dystopian façade of "normal", my money was on the first of the year but, of course I was wrong. again. Kinda. Would you really want to argue with me that we are currently living in a wacked out, different timeline version of 1984?  I am left without words at this point. The daily shenanigans we witness, every single day things fall apart around my country men more and more, forced obedience and compliance are renamed as "woke". Our fledging country went into rebellion for a lot less, but we as a nation have become weak and corrupt. In our personal search for material satisfaction in this world we have sold our mortal lives to a power who hates us, uses us for for food, that wants our body and soul. I have no words to explain this force, it's depravity and eternal hate for the children of men, we can not understand this in our current fleshy mortal form, but I feel it viscerally.

The plans for us laid out for his unhallowed henchmen commences, buying with the filthy lucre of hell the downfall of the children of God. Some of us do it knowingly, with full intent to harm their spiritual brothers and sisters so they can have their time at the trough of the human misery they cause, it is so hard to grasp this concept for most of us, unthinkable really the hate for us humans they show. But they do, mark my words. I believe that it is going to get real shortly, these last few months have sapped our strength, lulled us into a comatose state as a country, worked to divide we the people from those ideals that have made us great in the past. Honesty, faith, caring, creativity have become personal license, groupthink, and conformity, the better to control you when words have no meaning. Racist? Who isn't by the constantly changing standard of who you are talking to. 

My mind is made up, i am camping on my Rubicon right now, no further, I will fight from here on out. Disclaimer for fbi guy, I am not advocating violence or insurrection, if it seems that way maybe you should consider your own thoughts and feelings about this clumsy façade of America. The tyranny and outright genocidal drive of our controllers are easy to see on the nightly news. They are telling us what they plan to do next, come on! Don't be stupid, please. 

We don't have a leader of the resistance yet, we should consider who we choose wisely, if our past elections were really fair, which we now are starting to believe have been selections by the controllers for the recent past at least. Because we really couldn't have put into the elected offices the clown world asshats who think they are in charge of we the people, right? But until we can find a true person who will stand for us, I suggest you protect yourself from the forces of tyranny that oppose us. I feel like a soldier on the walls of helms deep, viewing the seemingly unbeatable army of the spiritually dead. Quaking in my shoes for my mortal end, but have no fear brothers and sisters, what we do now will echo in eternity.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

the ol bait and switch

howdy folks, didn't think I would be back, however I have do have a few more words left. I know that the time of war is at hand, not what we would choose, no one wants the untold suffering it brings, but the evil one and his minions of hell want their day. a blood orgy they have worked towards since that war in heaven cast them out. The black pill rests strongly on my mind today as I realize the hoped for reinforcements were nothing but smoke and mirrors to pacify those with the wherewithal to resist. Tomorrow is the day of the take over. Those who have risen to the top through their use of an infernal power have control, no restraint, and we will pay, we are in the crosshairs as the last remnants of loving human beings. I hope your preparations will be successful

We have seen with our own eyes this takeover, our electoral process hijacked, our votes simply don't count anymore, the rule of law proved a complete sham. But it is far to late, our destruction will be legal by the lies we are painted with, Orwellian turns of phrase classify patriot to mob and christian to racist. White men become the hated repressor, rapist and capitalist pig to be marginalized and attacked on sight. This will all be done legally by the infected cancerous system now in control. 

There is a certain amount of freedom that this brings, living in a occupied country with no rule of law. We do not have to comply. We no longer have a reason to support the government who no longer abides by the rules set in 1776 and1787. This means we must chose how we will survive in this soon to be dystopian nightmare, do not feel compelled to take any action which goes against your life liberty or pursuit of happiness, cut ties with those who would take this away. think for yourself and for your families welfare, extend this out to your neighborhood, those who you can support. We win by being the best children of God we can be, cause, you know, He wins in the end.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


This my friends could well be my last espistle, I grow tired of this effort, perhaps it has run its course. After all these years of searching, changing, growing in inner intent, I believe that I have finally paid the price to be my own man. Not that this comes from a startling revelation but rather a quiet inner steel forged through the trials I have met on this go around. Thanks to all those who have listened, I hope it has been a little help with your path, and thanks to those shining souls who have done their best as well to follow the true path of the heart.

I love you, I may not know you, but you are me, related by spirit and soul, certainly important to one another in the grand scheme of things. For surely there is a next, something more, that deep wellspring of feeling we each have tells us so, no matter how hard we try to shut it up. We are all the children of God, brothers and sisters who are doing our best to grow and learn, we all make mistakes, daily.

We can become convinced that what we see is all there is, we all want to be right. But I suggest that what we see and feel is a miniscule part of what is, our mortal flesh and understanding can only take so much. Most of us cannot imagine infinity. Our perceptions in this mortal coil only capture a sliver of the whole. We can chose with this deficit of awareness to make certain choices, rather than relying on God Almighty and his love for us, let's see how this works out, lmao.

The times long foretold are  upon us, we are in a time of completion, of this cycle certainly, it is time to decide. By your own individual understanding and beliefs you will make this choice. I urge you to do it with the heart, it will never lead you astray, love is the motive power of the Lord's creation, love is the key to everything, love makes the world go round. And the universe with it.

The first and greatest commandment is to love God Almighty, in every belief I have studied. The second is to love our neighbor as ourself, the rest are rules for the checklist dilettantes . "Those that love much are forgiven much" and brother, I need it. But in my defense I have done my best. Not that I give a shit about what you think, but what I know about me after 50 years or so living in this world.

The dark time may surround us currently, things make look bleak, the enemy is in full swing these days. I suggest you dig to your foundation, your rock, cause the storm is coming, good luck, and God speed.

I have come full circle in this blog, returning to the starting point, though hopefully a little higher in this spiral of learning. Better able to be me, and follow the creators will. On to the next lesson, Hi Ho silver!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Turn off your tv

Howdy fellow humans, strange days are upon us, the good book along with truth seekers through the ages have spoken in great detail about the times we have found ourselves in. I myself have tried to blow the watchtower trumpet to warn of this , although the specific crisis we find ourselves in wasn't mapped out in detail, all we had to go by was the feeling that things were not right and that vast change was on our doorstep. I still have a hard time believing that the Rubicon crossing for humanity has arrived, but make no mistake the fight is now upon us.

I have watched the progression of propaganda with great interest, everything in this realm is fake, we only have our personal belief to guide us, if your talking points come from anything other than your heart rest assured you have been mislead. I too have been mislead, it is a terrible feeling to have one put over on you! We humans now face a choice, the same choice we have always had, but that has been obscured by our desires for the material pleasures offered by the Lord's of darkness who rule this world, whom will you serve? Will you now bow down for your mandatory vacinne, so that you can continue on with your pursuit of imaginary gain in this false world? Or will you sack up and fight for your humanity and to retain your place of favor as a child of god?

This kung flu is a pile of bullshit, the end game of the forces of darkness to rule this world, long planned and now put into action. I have graphed this disease from the start, some people will get sick and die, many of is do, that is the mortal realm, we die from all kinds of stuff, but this pandemic is not the plague as shown by the screaming hellspawn of the current news, it is a tool to take away the last vestiges of humanity that remains.

Do not take any vacinne! Do not submit to any supposed authority who asked you to surrender your rights as a child of god, be prepared to fight for these rights, it is better to die than submit to these bastards, a new world is on our doorstep, we can chose how it goes. We have the numbers, we have the love for one another that they cannot match, we are the children of the almighty! Fill your hearts with love and fight for a new world. Now is the day, awaken yourself, prepare, and fight!