Monday, February 17, 2025


 The chickens have come home to roost , karma works every time, for you, for me, inescapable in this realm. even if I burn down with this whole putrid puddle of lies, I know that I didn't go along. The regret I have is that it didn't need to happen, we could, and still can pull off being the people our creator made us to be. It is so easy. Unless you are conflicted by your desire for more, at the expense of your brothers and sisters who surround you. what goes around comes around, may we all reap what we have sown.

It has always been every man for himself, a zero sum game of self preservation. we need to meet our individual needs no doubt, but I wonder sometimes why the Creator of all would place a need for connection with others within our heart. Relationships, families, neighborhoods, communities all play a dominate part of our individual sense of well being, connection to others is a primary need. But dang... it comes with complications, lmao. especially in these days of summation.

If you can't see that the piper is here, come for payment after all this fun we've had by now, I guess I really can't help you. The controllers would have you believe that time is a flat circle, round and round and that you need to buy your way out with the blood of innocents, or one time and done, if you pay your way now in advance to a belief for reward in the hereafter to be paid by God Almighty, so really that we had little choice in the matter, shit happens right? But hear me out, maybe time is a spiral? and that it matters how we react in any given situation in an incremental way, over time, wink. easy right?

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, we got time to think about what we do, contrary to the controller mindset of impulse buy orgy of consumption, need it right now bullshit! Plastic people and plastic crap surround us, but the majesty of sunrise and sunset escape us. Hug a tree, no lie. Tell those super important people around you how much you love them, show them, its easy once you try. Remember love conquers all.

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