A few words are left within I see, fertilized by the dungheap outer world. It is hard to be silent, when the war for our souls rage from one side to the other on this earthen ball of humanity. To watch the show and be forced to engage in our own destruction sometimes causes me to retreat into the oceans of my mind, this fluid medium helps me to move the pieces of what I see and feel into a mosaic that makes some sense. It is a long process, much like cooking you can't force it to work faster, thus the advice of, "be still" has much wisdom. Things appear, then change and grow, flourish then die according to natural law, always moving on to the next level or place, Up or down according the nature of the element, on its' vibration you could say. Conclusions formed over time and thought, watching and patience have formed a picture of systemic evil, forces who chose mayhem and pain, power and privilege over the spark of God we receive at the beginning and must work to nurture and grow through the harvest of this world. Some chose to rule in Hell, and seek to show their dedication by mimicking the infernal upon this plane, paying for the power by the bits and pieces of Divine light within, irreplaceable, until only darkness abides. The master urged us to enlarge our given talents, increasing them through the Divine alchemy of soul, taking greater and greater personal part in the salvation of all. We trade this light at great risk to the foe of love, happiness, and everlasting growth within the all encompassing kingdom of God. I kid you not.
This material world is a sham, a inferior reflection of what could be, the possibilities that are unfailingly germinated within our will and hope for a home almost remembered. This deja vu like feeling has happened to me recently, causing my latest retreat. My conscious mind became still for a time, the happenings upon our planet and to my kindred were recorded but not replayed, allowing my soul to get on with the business of the path I have chosen, still hard work my friends, grin. My soul has been liberated to some degree bringing a different view of things that has brought a new perspective. The shiny things have lost their magic, my habits are losing the bands that have chained me from youth.My heart has become less incumbered with regret and lost opportunities, indeed, the lifeforce of spring and new beginnings have rocked my world, gently at first but with greater and greater insistence, urging me to take part in this age old battle, more equipped and realized that before. I am more discriminating and prepared, scarred but far from beaten. I know what side I am on brothers and sisters, my choice can only be life and the eternal force that propels it through love. Life and Love my friends and onward.
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